About Sunny

Sunny is a fully virtual medical practice focused on sexual and reproductive health.
We provide medication abortion (abortion with pills) to those who medically qualify.
At Sunny, we envision a world where everyone is empowered to take control of their health by having access to the care, support, and information they need.

Sunny is a fully virtual medical practice focused on sexual and reproductive health. We provide medication abortion (abortion with pills) to those who medically qualify. At Sunny, we envision a world where everyone is empowered to take control of their health by having access to the care, support, and information they need.

Sunny health icon

Sunny offers safe, effective, convenient, and affordable medication abortion

Sunny Health online abortion clinic ships the abortion pill by mail directly to you

Sunny provides the highest quality sexual and reproductive healthcare in the privacy of your home

Sunny Health Dr Abortion Practitioner

Sunny is physician and woman of color-founded

About Our Founder

About the founder of Sunny Health online abortion clinic

Our founder, Dr. Chaudhry (she/her) is a board-certified physician with over 20 years of clinical, community health, and health systems experience, including Chief Medical Officer and Chief Executive Officer roles in community health settings.

For the past 5 years, her focus has been on developing innovative digital health solutions that improve health, increase access to care, and enhance the care experience. Dr. Chaudhry is committed to expanding access to high quality evidence-based sexual and reproductive health care, and continues to practice outpatient and inpatient general medicine.

Did You Know?

You’re not alone

About 1 in 4 people who can get pregnant will have an abortion in their lifetime. Any person who can get pregnant can have an abortion.

Abortion is safe

Abortion is one of the safest medical treatments around. Safe abortion does not make it harder to get pregnant in the future and doesn’t affect future pregnancies. Abortion does not harm mental health. Studies show that abortion does not increase the risk of depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Abortion is healthcare

The World Health Organization considers abortion care to be an essential health care service.


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